Thursday, August 29, 2013

Blurring the lines.

Where do the lines of parenting and home school blur? Should they? Or should those lines be kept straight? Keeping on one side clearly "parenting" and on this side we clearly have "home schooling"? Can those lines even be held rigidly?

Take this morning for example- When Luke is determining how full the syrup is based on the indicator, is it 1/2 full or 3/4 full? In between-so how much should we microwave it for? Not 1 minute and 20 seconds... that is for 3/4 full, not 1 minute...that is for 1/2 full... 1 minute and 10 seconds! Is that "parenting" or does this count for "school" as a math exercise?
When Joel is standing over a hot stove with a spatula in his hand waiting with all excitement for me to say its time to flip a pancake ("not yet....almost...almost..."), am I "parenting" or are we working on some of our "home school" goals by building his listening and follow directions skills?

How can we dissect parenting and education as we focus on character building in the forms of service (setting the table-for everyone), sacrifice (letting your brother get his chocolate milk first), thankfulness (praying before we eat), respect (wait until the person is finished talking to have your turn to speak), contentment (stay at the table until everyone is finished), responsibility (taking your plates to the sink), etc.?

When the parent IS the teacher-how do we keep those lines distinct? Can we? Again I ask, should we?

Lets be honest, I do not count breakfast as "school". School can, at times, look a little different around here, but there will be math worksheets later and enough handwriting practice around here to fill everyone's quota!  The ideas that we are always learning and that we can constantly reinforce what we are learning are exciting aspects of home schooling!

I like structure but I also like a little blurring of the lines as well! 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

First Day of School

 What makes the first day of school?
An awesome breakfast: we had pancakes with blueberry syrup, strawberries and orange juice-great start!

What is a first day of school without a picture documenting it?
Second Grade

 We started with our new planners. They decorated the fronts and then we began!
Streamers make everything fun!

The first day of school was fun, exciting, much anticipated. It was full of emotions-some more fun than others. We had lots to celebrate and some disappointments. So it goes.

New school year here we come!

Saturday, August 3, 2013


In wanting my children to be creative I must give them the time and freedom to create.

In wanting my children to love to read I must first read to them and then fill their home with books.

In wanting my children to be comfortable with themselves I must come to know them individually.

In wanting my children to be passionate I must be willing to go out of my way to encourage their interests.

In wanting my children to be responsible I must give them responsibilities.

In wanting my children to be kind I must first treat them with kindness and then constantly direct their perspective towards how others feel.

In wanting my children to good communicators I must communicate with them and then be willing to listen.

In wanting my children to be problem-solvers I must resist the urge to solve all their problems for them.

In wanting my children to be capable I must choose to put a tool in their hand.

In wanting my children to value honesty I must first never lie to them.

In wanting my children to desire to help others I must treasure the ways in which they imperfectly help me.

In wanting my children to explore the world around them I must first let them step away from me.

What would you add to this list?