Saturday, October 26, 2013

Let me brag...

Let me just brag on this guy! He is awesome and a wonderful example of manhood for my sons!
making fried chicken for the first time!
(btw-it was GLUTEN FREE -he's a keeper!)

Friday, October 25, 2013

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

If at first you don't... find time to homeschool that day...

The days are getting more consistent! Check us out:
Joel doing his addition
dry erase! money saver and fun
Kate is a part of our school day too

Luke practicing his cursive, he is pretty awesome
Note the dry erase again

Figuring out our homeschool "schedule" with an infant in the house, some days are easier than others

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Kate is getting big!

pretty eyes!

this is her super interested face!

this girl likes sleep on the couch because she doesn't want to miss out on any of the action

see? on the couch again, knocked out

such sweetness

total relaxation, she throws those arms back and sleeps hard
big yawn

she loves her tummy time so she can get that hand up to her face

Monday, October 21, 2013

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Dads and Daughters

When did these guys....

...become these guys?!

What is on your list?

I asked Luke and Joel to tell me what they wanted to do, see, learn, experience, etc in their life. Not necessarily "when they grow up" but as they live. They loved this idea and we wrote them on our chalkboard wall. This is a little snapsnot:
Some are bigger than others but I really hope I get to be a part of these experiences with them!

*Note: do you see "make a soap by myself"? That is our part of the family business that is Bluebonnet Soaps.

Kate's First Bath at Home

my helpers

baby girl didn't even cry!

Some September shots of Kate


look how tall


